Custom Sampling Campaigns

Our data-driven marketing strategy includes targeted communications and dynamic prequalification criteria, to ensure highly-qualified leads. We develop custom product sample kits and ship from our onsite fulfillment center directly to decision makers. Then, we close the sale with timely inside sales follow up. 

What We Do

We target the right prospects, with the right products, at the right time.

Our data-driven marketing strategy includes targeted communications and dynamic pre-qualification criteria, to ensure highly-qualified leads. We develop custom product sample kits and ship them from our onsite fulfillment center directly to decision-makers. Then, we close the sale with a timely follow-up.

40% of people sale prospecting is the hardest part of the process.
78% of sales leads never connect with a sales person.
44% of sales people give up after only one sales call.

Ready for REAL Solutions?

12925 Prosperity Ave
Becker, MN 55308
Phone: (763) 262-3150

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